I remember what it was like when I was first starting out trying to “find” the motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle- but was absolutely EXHAUSTED! My productivity sucked, my mothering sucked, and we won't even talk about my love-life!
Everyone else made it look so easy. Seems like a lot of people on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and even some of my friends had gotten their body and energy back after babies without any problems.
But not me.
I was always getting tripped up by EXHAUSTION. And once I started to really pay attention to what others were doing, I soon learned that they too were making the same energy zapping mistakes.
Now, if you’re a fitness & nutrition beginner, I can almost guarantee you’re already making these mistakes – or if not, then you’re going to be making them soon. And once you start making these mistakes, you’re going to find out that solidifying healthy hormonal habits is time-consuming, expensive and even painful.
Unless, of course, you learn how to avoid these mistakes.
So forget about trial and error. Forget about learning this stuff through the school of hard knocks. Instead, learn from my mistakes and save yourself a lot of time, grief and money. Read on…
Fatigue is often described as a lack of energy and motivation—both physical and emotional. It is not sleepiness or drowsiness, which describes the need for sleep.
Normally, fatigue can be resolved with rest or reducing activity. Fatigue is a common complaint related to health issues. It is a symptom and not a specific disease or health condition. Many illnesses cause fatigue, and the symptoms can be physical, psychological, or a combination of both.
Some medical considerations for fatigue:
Almost everyone I know who tries to lose weight ends up making this mistake. That’s because it’s a bit counter-intuitive. If you look at this from a logical standpoint, you may feel like you should be going mock 90. Turns out that’s wrong – you should be taking a very balanced approach to your physical fitness and nutrition instead. Putting unrealistic expectations on yourself can lead to feeling crappy about yourself and negative self-talk on those days you don’t exercise — such as feeling lazy or like a failure.
I made this mistake not once but twice when I was starting out. So let me save you from doing the same thing. Instead of feeling like an absolute WRETCH before you get more morning coffee or other caffeine fix, try simply adding collagen instead. You’ll see much better results. It helps reduce the large cortisol spike which will help keep your blood sugar more stable.
Most people don’t even realize they’re making this mistake until they experience the crash. You can avoid this by getting your sweet fix from fresh fruit or healthier plant-based alternatives sweetened with dates. Swap out your ordinary table sugar for a low-glycemic natural alternative like stevia or monk fruit.
If you ever tried going Keto when you were trying to lose weight, then you were probably not giving enough attention to fiber. Digestion, digestion, digestion! A lack of fiber (AKA VEGGIES VEGGIES VEGGIES!) makes digestion more strenuous, draining the body’s energy. Try making sure you eat 1-2 servings of veggies with EVERY MEAL (yes even breakfast) and see if you don’t get better results.
I’ve saved the best for last. That’s because many people just go straight to drinking a gallon of water per day. Minerals plus water are the fundamental elements, the mother/father combination necessary for life to ignite, spark and flow. Without water minerals stay inactive. Without minerals water is like a blank slate waiting for instructions. The human result? Fatigue, Depression, Inflammation, not enough energy to heal. However, you can completely avoid feeling completely exhausted simply by adding quality minerals to your water. It’s actually easier than you think!
Give yourself a pat on the back for paying attention to this article. Because now that you know the top 5 mistakes and how to avoid them, you’ll be miles ahead of all the other people who’re trying to boost energy, ditch unwanted weight, and have happier moods.
So take this newfound knowledge and confidence and start approaching your energy boosting tactics today!
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