What Everyone Needs to Know About Weight Loss
Before You Try Starving Yourself.
You’ve probably been searching around the web for quite some time now, trying to learn as much as you can about how to lose weight or speed up your metabolism. Or maybe you’ve even tried to improve your body positivity so that it doesn’t consume your thoughts, but it didn’t turn out as well as you hoped. Indeed, if you’re like a lot of yo-yo dieters, then you probably ended up losing a few pounds then putting them right back on- and a few more.
Don’t despair. You too can start revving up that metabolism, and all you have to do is tweak your weight loss strategy a bit. Generally, that means you need to avoid making the following five common metabolism crushing mistakes. Read on…
Just guessing, but I’m betting that close to half of women starting their next “diet” make this mistake. Worse yet, some of the blogs and products you find around the web actually teach people this weight-loss mistake!
If you see someone advocating it, run. That’s because deprivation is a metabolism KILLER.
Instead, what you want to do is focus FIRST on having these 3 core components to your plate for EVERY . SINGLE . MEAL:
So before deprivation, just try INCREASING these three food groups!
This is another exceedingly common mistake, simply because chronic constipation is a reality for many people ― more often women than men.. However, constipation is one of the worst metabolism disorders of all and kills weight loss. It totally poisons the body from head to toe, especially glands like the thyroid, liver and adrenal glands. If you suffer from it, you must solve it immediately. I repeat, if you suffer from it, you must solve it immediately. Keep focused until you get to the root cause and sort it out. The worst thing you can do is mask it over with medications or laxatives, leaving it to eat away at your body.
Think about it this way- you are trying to lose weight- when you “burn” fat or are trying to release fat cells, where does it go to be released from your body? If you aren’t pooping, you are just holding onto all those cells…….figuratively speaking.
Mistake #3: Focusing on cardio and not strength training
Don’t feel bad if you make this mistake. That’s because even some of the biggest experts in the fitness industry do this. When most people decide to lose some fat, cardio immediately comes to mind. They slash their calories severely and increase their physical activity. Of course, this creates a deficit for them, and they lose a lot of weight in no time. But that’s not necessarily good. The problems that I have seen in hundreds of women that I have worked with that don’t implement strength training are:
They burn out: when going cardio hardio many times women plateau and then life gets in the way and they can’t keep up with the same pace
They haven’t built muscle to sustain the weightloss: one key component to weight loss that DOES NOT come back on is MUSCLE! And muscle is something that needs to be nurtured throughout life.
However, those who make these mistakes do find it exceedingly frustrating, because we live in a society where we have comparisons at our fingertips. I’ve even known people who’ve just wanted to completely give up on trying to achieve and maintain a healthy weight after they have tried every diet under the sun.
Fortunately, you can avoid it fairly easily, simply by focusing your efforts on eating MORE nutrient-dense foods, giving your guts some TLC, and strength training on a regular basis.
Yes, it’s true – now you can too rev up that metabolism, especially if you avoid these common weight-loss mistakes. Try it out today to prove it to yourself!
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